
Vinnies News

Regional Conference in El Paso in July Our Council was represented by Lynn Fisher, Council Secretary, Chief Formator

It was a special privilege to hear Sheila Gilbert, the national president of St. Vincent de Paul speak on her hopes and plans for the future of SVdP.  Mrs. Gilbert’s plan is for systemic change for helping people in poverty learn ways to work their way out of poverty.  The cycle of poverty can be broken or held in place by the choices we make about the systems we have.  New choices can change the outcomes for people in poverty making their lives better or worse. 

As an example consider living wage vs. minimum wage.  Change to a living wage would solve a lot of poverty overnight.  Our economic system relies on minimum wage jobs to run our economy.

Vincentians should educate themselves on the realities of poverty, the root causes of poverty and possible solutions. Lynn Fisher


Liz Disco-Scherer was presented with an award for her leadership in Wildfire disasters.  Ralph Hassel asked representatives from each district council in Texas that participated in the disaster effort to come up and be recognized. Lynn was our representative. I couldn't get the picture in here.


OZANAM ORIENTATION is scheduled for Oct. 6, 2012 at St. Matthew's in Longview. (2800 Pine Tree Rd)  Please plan to attend Mass at 8:30 AM with the presentation following.  It should be ended by 3:00 PM.  Light lunch will be served.  Please RSVP to Lynn Fisher (PH. 903-262-6190, email: with the names and number of attendees from your conference by Oct. 1.


 Regional Spiritual Director, Sister Joan Pytlik sent this link that is full of videos and helpful information.

Great resource for presentations to groups!

The Walk for the Poor is scheduled September 29.

Feast day of Blessed Frederick Ozanam is September 9.  Plan a special gathering for your conference.  Attend Mass as a group and perhaps give a talk about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to share our mission with others.

Feast Day of St. Vincent DePaul is September 27.  Another opportunity for celebration, sharing and perhaps recruiting new members.

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